Relationship Coaching with Dr. Jeremy Boden

Is your relationship generally good but you could use some additional tools,
insights, or strategies to enrich your relationship?

Relationship Coaching might be your answer.

Some couples find themselves stuck in negative patterns of communication or blocks that are getting in the way of a great relationship. For other couples, they are doing quite well but just need a boost to their marriage. In either case—struggling or wanting some extra tools—their level of distress doesn’t require the depth that therapy provides. Thankfully, there’s an alternative to therapy for couples who fall under this category—relationship coaching. 

Relationship coaching provides a more educational, direct, skills- and information-based, present-focus, and solutions-focused approach to your current challenges. 

As a licensed marriage and family therapist, couples therapy expert, and relationship educator, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to help couples overcome those stuck places that hinders their otherwise solid relationship. Couples who work with me in a coaching environment can:

  • Improve communication and conflict resolution skills
  • Identify blocks that are getting in the way of real connection
  • Feel safer and a more secure connection to each other
  • Find solutions to common relationship challenges
  • Replace disagreements with more understand, empathy, and respect for one another
  • Experience increased levels of hope, happiness, connection, and love
  • Prepare for an upcoming difficult transition such as marriage, first child, or becoming an empty nester

Before potential relationship coaching participants contact me, it’s very important for you to understand the difference between coaching and therapy.

  • Therapy
  • More focused on processing thoughts and going deeper into emotions and past emotional hurts or wounds.
  • Tends to be more long-term (15 to 30 sessions)
  • Focused on diagnosing and treating mental health issues and tends to be more long-term and can often be helpful for trauma.
  • Relationship Coaching
  • Is less focused on processing and going deep into emotions and does not process traumatic events or experiences or deal with mental health disorders.
  • Usually shorter (1—10 sessions)
  • Participants are encouraged and directed to focus more on the present, set goals for the future, and to be open to new information, accept feedback and suggestions from the coach.

Coaches are not licensed to do therapy, but therapists can engage in coaching. When an individual or couple schedules a relationship coaching session with me, they are agreeing that this will be a coaching experience and not mental health or couples therapy.

At this time, relationship coaching sessions are available through an online platform only.

Please reach out to me and I will contact you to set up a brief phone screening to make sure you are a good fit for relationship coaching. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.

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